
Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I am sorry.  I have not been around in a few days.  We moved on Saturday and I have just been completely exhausted.  I was going to blog on Monday, and Tuesday but I was just so tired and no amount of Red Bull would have changed that.  

So here is what has been going on in my world..Mr. Wonderful's mom, aunt and brother came last Friday and helped us move.  It was very nice to have the help, we usually have no help or we hire help.  Well, Mr. Wonderful and his brother packed the U-haul but at the last minute decided that they didn't want to move it into our new THIRD FLOOR apartment.  I do not blame them.. I would not want to either.  So we paid two guys to do our dirty work!

I would have taken pictures but I misplaced my camera during the move, as well as, my sanity.  The camera has been found but my sanity has yet to return.  I think it will be a few more weeks years until that happens.

As for Biggie's sleeping patterns (I was worried that he wouldn't sleep in a new place), he has been fine.  He did wake up last night for the first time, but I grabbed him and we cuddled until we fell asleep on the LoveSac.

I will work on taking some pictures today and tomorrow to post.  I just wanted to update really quick before I make the 19 mile drive to take Sunny to school.  Something new and exciting I get to partake in until the end of May.

That is all I have for now.. I will write more later:)